Spring Language Comprehension for Spanish Speech Therapy
Price: $5.00
SKU: MA-spring-lcfsst
Short stories are a great way to engage students while working on receptive language. Short, simple stories with wh questions, inferencing and predicting, and more are used to target multiple aspects of story comprehension for your Spanish-speaking students. Included in the deck is an open ended board game, Rain Storm, to use as an incentive with these card decks or for any spring therapy session. What's included: →Deck 1 focuses on answering "wh" questions (quien, qué, cuando, dónde, por qué, and como). There are 5 stories in this deck. →Deck 2 focuses on context clues, yes/no questions, and vocabulary. There are 5 stories in this deck. →Deck 3 focuses on inferencing and predicting. There are 5 stories in this deck. →Rain Storm is a game where players attempt to make it to their waiting friend during a rain storm. Don't get distracted jumping in puddles, though, or you'll take longer to reach your friend. Copyright 2018 Rebecca Gnezdova, MS, CCC-SLP Talking with Rebecca
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