Speech Therapy in Spanish Articulation T Cards for All Word Positions

Price: $3.00

SKU: MA-speech-tisatcfawp

Tired of big company's Spanish articulation decks with words the kids don't know? You need this set for Spanish "t" words, which features familiar words for students! Be able to skip cards that don't work for your artic student - you'll still have articulation words to use! You could SAVE 15% by purchasing the Spanish Articulation Plosives Bundle which includes 6 phonemes, including this one! This set of articulation cards contains English and Spanish translations for monolingual SLPs as well as visuals for nonreaders. What's included: •36 initial /t/ words in color •27 medial /t/ words in color •black and white versions of all words Note: the /t/ sound does not occur in word final position in Spanish. Students can practice the /t/ sound in words or have students use the words in sentences. Looking for more Spanish Articulation? Spanish Articulation S, L, R Bundle Spanish Articulation B/V Spanish Articulation P Spanish Articulation D Spanish Articulation G Spanish Articulation K Spanish Articulation S Spanish Articulation L Spanish Articulation R Spanish Articulation F Tips: → Leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE resources! I love to hear what you think. → Feel free to share pictures using my resources in your classroom or speech room. Remember to tag me @talkingwithrebecca so I can see! → Be sure to click on the star to be notified when I upload new resources or have a sale. Click here to follow Talking with Rebecca on Facebook Click here to follow Talking with Rebecca on Instagram

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