Spanish Speech Therapy Articulation F Smash Mats
Price: $3.00
SKU: MA-spanish-stafsm
This no prep Spanish articulation activity will engage your students and save you time! Spanish /f/ words are featured on colored and black and white smash mats and are versatile! Use them with play dough, tokens, crayons, paint daubers, or write your target sound on each picture…even send them home as homework! Use these smash mats as an interactive way to work on the Spanish /f/ phoneme in all word positions. Identify the pictures, say the word or use it in a sentence, and smash it with play dough! If color is an issue, print the black and white version instead and color it yourself to use - or have students color the pictures instead of smashing play dough. Or send home as homework…so many possibilities! What's included: •2 initial /f/ smash mats in color •the same 2 initial /f/ smash mats in black and white •2 medial /f/ smash mats in color •the same 2 medial /f/ smash mats in black and white •2 mixed /f/ smash mats in color •the same 2 mixed /f/ smash mats in black and white One smash mat for each word position features 1-2 syllable words, while the second smash mat features 3+ syllable words.* *Due to the amount of 1-2 syllable words with medial /f/, one medial /f/ mat has 2-3 syllable words and the second mat has 3-3+ syllable words.
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