No Prep Spanish Language Homework for Speech Therapy
Price: $2.50
SKU: MA-no-pslhfst
5 minutos de lenguaje by Talking with Rebecca is a no prep set of Spanish language cards that are designed with carryover skills in mind. They are perfect to send home as homework throughout the year or as a packet for summer homework to maintain receptive and expressive language skills learned over the year. Just print and send home! 5 minutos de lenguaje is designed to be quick activities students can do at home - no large time commitment required! No manipulatives or additional items needed! Students don't need to have access to pencils or crayons to complete, everything can be done orally or by pointing to the card. There are 2 sets of cards for preschool and for elementary students - 4 sets in total! What's included: • 12 level 1 cards for preschool categorías, conceptos, números, colores (categories, concepts, numbers, colors) • 12 level 2 cards for preschool pronombres, acciones, "cual no pertenece", funciones (pronouns, actions, "what doesn't belong", functions) • 12 lower elementary cards posesivos, pasado, inferencias, opuestos (possessives, past tense, inferences, opposites) • 12 upper elementary cards analogias, palabras polisémicas, conjunciones, sinónimos (analogies, multiple meaning words, conjunctions, synonyms)
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