Fall themed same and different activities for Spanish Speech Therapy

Price: $4.25

SKU: MA-fall-tsadafsst

Teach same and different skills in Spanish while using fall vocabulary! Students identify which item is the same or different from each row, match the same pictures, or create their own picture to match or be different. Multiple worksheets allow you to vary how different the images are while working on these skills. Each worksheet is provided in color and black and white. Print and laminate the color version to use over and over in therapy and send the black and white version home as homework! What's included: •Circle the different image in color •Color the different image in black and white •Circle the same image in color •Color the same image in black and white •Connect the same in color •Connect the same in black and white •Draw the same/different in color •Draw the same/different in black and white •Cut and glue to match the same



Fall Speech Therapy

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